The principal owes the architect (planner) the reimbursement for expenses and costs (OR 402):
No need for an agreement
- It is sufficient that the architect (planner) has incurred the expenses in the (correct) execution of the contract.
Monetary expense
- Under expenses or rather so-called usage compensation, the issue is always about monetary expense.
- General expenses do not count under the usage compensation positions.
Effective expense
- The architect (planner) may only have those outlays or uses compensated that have actually resulted through his fulfilment of the contract (cf. also article 5.3.3 SIA orders 102 / 103)
Cash expense positions
Among the architecture-related expenses are:
- reproduction costs from previous building permit and planning paper documents
- Heliographies and external plan reproductions
- Documentations
- etc.
Special costs
- Under articles 5.5 and 5.6 SIA order 102, the following expenses are listed as indemnifiable costs:
- Documentation costs
- Premiums for extraordinary insurance policies
- The cost of the building site office
- Recommended agreement
- Replacement of special equipment used mutually (cf. article 5.6.2 SIA order 102)
Travel expense
- Travel expenses are included under cash outlays but not the cost of the travel time (time tariff according to article 5.7.2 SIA order 102)